Tree Dimensions:
Height: ±300mm
Pot: ±220 x 170mm
Thickness of base: 50mm
Species profile and care guide:
The Shrubby Yellow-crest also known as the Sun opener and Sinicuichi, is a perennial, deciduous shrub/herb ranging from the south west of the U.S to central America with medicinal ties to the ancient Mayan and Aztec civilizations.
This shrub is an excellent showy Bonsai that is easy to care for, is hardy and can tolerate a range of temperatures and climates. The showiness comes from its beautiful bright yellow flowers, the bark is interesting with a smooth flaky texture.
As Bonsai full sun to partial shade is perfect for vigorous growth and overall health. Water the Yellow-crest as you would most Bonsai, do not let the root mass become water-logged but do not let the soil dry out completely. This species prefers a moist soil and is usually found growing around wetlands and next to streams a rich but well-draining Bonsai soil mix is recommended. Repotting should be done in late winter/early spring every 2-3 years depending on the vigour of the specimen.
Being a very hardy species the Yellow-crest can tolerate temperatures as low as -10°C to -15°C and is relatively frost tolerant. During South Africa Winters there is not much to worry about with this species but it will drop its leaves during the winter months, do not over water during this time but a little watering every now and then will suffice.
Pruning is easy and can be done throughout the growing season as this species responds well to a good trim, however we always recommend allowing the first spring growth to develop untrimmed to allow the Bonsai to recuperate the invested energy. Wiring can be tricky as the fine branches can break easy, go slow and be patient and you will have fantastic results.
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SKU: BTM0011
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