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Tree Dimensions:

Height:  ±150mm (incl pot)

Pot:  ±120 x 90mm 

Thickness of Base:   10mm 


Species profile and care guide:


The Miniature Pine tree is part of the Crassula family which has over 600 species all native to South Africa, it is a succulent species with bright green upward pointing foliage and grey smooth bark. The miniature pine is a flowering species that blooms in late spring and early summer. The flowers begin as white clusters that turn orange as they age. The variant of Crassula tetragona sold at Plant It Nursery is a dwarf variety that produces tiny foliage.


This species is very easy to grow and beginner friendly, it require full sun to partial shade. The tree can tolerate short but not intense frosts in the winter but frost covering is still recommended, temperatures below freezing are not recommended due to the trees soft fleshy nature. Should temperatures drop below freezing during winter we recommend bringing the tree indoors for the night and returning in in the morning or over-wintering in a greenhouse or tunnel if available.


Water this species sparingly allowing the soil to dry out between watering and water very little in the winter months. Be vigilant as the miniature pine does not tolerate overwatering, if the foliage becomes wet, squishy or falls of very easily this is a sign of overwatering. Use a rich very well-draining soil, our succulent mix or succulent Bonsai mix is ideal.


Pruning this species is easy however trimming for structure and shape is recommended as branches can be too delicate for wiring, employ directional pruning techniques.


Miniature pine tree (Crassula tetragona)

SKU: BTM0017


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