What to do and when to do it, a Southern Hemisphere seasonal bonsai Calendar

We have put together a seasonal calendar for Southern Hemisphere bonsai enthusiasts. The calendar should serve as a general guideline and schedule for the multiple yearly practices of bonsai care and maintenance. The art of bonsai is ever evolving and the sheer variety of species that can be used in the hobby make it impossible to create an all encompassing calendar. That being said we have done our best to create a broad calendar that will assist new comers and veterans alike with their journey through the amazing world of bonsai.
Bonsai practices covered by the calendar:
When to use fertilizers
When to repot
When to prune
When to trim & pinch
When to wire
When to propagate
How to use the Seasonal Bonsai Calendar
The calendar is setup as a table of rows and columns. The left most column will contain the bonsai practices, some exceptions and species specific mentions. Each practice will have a few species (sp.) examples and group examples underneath it. Each example will be contained within its own row. Moving from left to right represents a year from January to December. Each row will pass through seasonal columns, each season having its own colour code, if it is the ''correct'' season to perform a practice it will be stated on the row within that seasonal column. We have abbreviated Species to sp. and Western Cape to WC.
The Southern Hemisphere Bonsai Seasonal Calendar.
You can click on the image to expand it or download it for free.

This calendar and blog will be updated and improved on regularly, if you have any comments or additions please feel free to leave a comment in the section below.